Every one of us works sincerely. But while we represent ourselves on papers, have we ever met with a situation where representing our thought or idea publically has become necessary? There are some specific type of jobs where facing public directly is a part. But think about situations where your job demands facing or addressing public all in a sudden! What will you do if you have no such experience before! Well, every employee at Tenet Systems never hesitates to face public/corporate presentation as they regularly attend Power Point Presentation (PPT) sessions every week. In each session one of the employees presents his/her voice to the rest in the most convincing manner to establish the topic of discussion. The ultimate goal of the session is to bring confidence in individual. Tenet is preparing Tenetians ready to challenge their competitors in professional and social life.
Before the ‘Prayas’ had stated, the management found that almost 90% employees are superb at their work but at the time of public presentation they lack confidence. They are experts in their field of work but they need consistent encouragement from behind to lead from the front. This is why the Tenet Management decided to slot a time in every week for grooming each employee.
Let’s find out how this ‘Prayas’ works in grooming candidates in public speaking :
It is very important to decide a topic for discussion first. Every employee gets chance to select the topic of his or her choice. It is not that a topic would be imposed on him or her and the participant starts struggling in preparing something unknown or out of comfort zone. This freedom of choice boosts them with confidence to step further.
Getting technical help and mentoring the entire presentation right from rehearsals comes truly supporting. The management has formed a team of mentors and the technicians wholeheartedly support the presenter in preparing the power Point Presentation (PPT) and grooming. So no presenter feels frightened and lonely in preparing his or her topic.
A cooperative audience encourages the new presenters and acts communicative with the experienced (one who has presented earlier) presenters. Such approach helps immensely to the presenters in gaining confidence in delivering the topics with utmost strength. It makes them feel that they are able to face crowd (known and unknown).
In this way Tenet has been trying its best to prepare each of employee gain self confidence in facing any challenge that may come in their way to succeed in becoming a leader in future. Tenet always considers its team as its family. It never wants to adhere to the typical fundamental approach of ‘give and take’ policy where employees come to provide their services for a good salary package! We Tenetians work as family and support our work place and family to grow in every up and down irrespective to any adverse situation.