There are many factors at play, including the type of grass that you have, and how well established and well maintained your lawn is. Excess nutrients can also seep into groundwater, which eventually makes its way into streams and rivers. Phosphorus fertilizer is being applied on farms growing sod for sale. Fall is by far the most important time to fertilize cool season grasses. Penn State Extension offices in every county sell a simple soil test kit that will allow you send a small sample of soil to the laboratory which in-turn will send you results with written recommendations of how much fertilizer, if any, or lime that might be needed. No Muss No Fuss Fertilizer for Lawns. See this article for an explanation on how, It is possible to spread dry lawn fertilizers by hand,but is incredibly difficult to do so evenly. When these situations do not exist, state law requires phosphorus-free lawn fertilizer is to be used. While it is true that applying fertilizer in early spring encourages some luscious top growth in your lawn, this untimely and intense growth spurt can actually deplete the plant's energy reserves in the long run, and cause them to weaken under summer stresses, such as droughts and regular mowing. In summary, here are the tools you need for fertilizing your lawn: top soil quality effects fertilizer uptake. Grass types can be broadly broken down into two main categories: warm-season grasses, and cool-season grasses. It is best to apply smaller amounts of fertilizer several times throughout the growing season. There is good evidence that shows phosphorus and nitrogen from lawn and agricultural fertilizers … It is therefore a lot more difficult to do any sort of damage when you feed your lawn organically. The lazy gardener can combine a need for organic, homemade treatment and provide much of the same benefits as purchased products. For more information, contact Brent Perry at (509) 995-2876. They grow most vigorously during warm weather, especially in the summer months. The presence of phosphorus … The nutrient value of a … This information can help you to choose the right fertilizer for your lawn. Liquid fertilizers should be applied after the first flush of grass has been mowed from the soil. Which Riding Mower is The Best For Lawns and Gardens on Hills? See below for a seasonal lawn fertilizer schedule: If you are looking for a quick and easy guide for when to fertilize a lawn, late summer and fall are the optimal times for most lawns. If you test the soil in your lawn or garden, you’ll … See this article for more details on how the overuse of fertilizers can be damaging for the Earth. Get notified when we have news, courses, or events of interest to you. Use phosphorus unless your soil test indicates a deficiency. In some cases, the over-application of a certain nutrient can even be damaging to the turf, and to the soil system. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Lawn fertilizer contains the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus, which are major sources of pollution in streams, rivers, and the Chesapeake Bay. Applying phosphorus is prohibited, but there are some exceptions. For maximum appearance of your lawn, you can apply fertilizer every 6-8 weeks during the most active period of your grass' growth. LEARN HOW TO STOP THE INVASIVE SPOTTED LANTERNFLY, Coronavirus: Information and resources for the Extension Community. Doesn't stimulate excessive shoot growth, which can weaken grass. Apply fertilizer when the soil is dry to moderately moist and lightly water it in. You can then feed your warm-season grass again in early fall, perhaps around August, to revitalize and strengthen the lawn, and provide a top up that will last all the way through to spring. Apply fertilizer on sidewalks, driveways or other impervious surfaces. One way to do this is to leave your grass clippings on your lawn after mowing. Applying large amounts of fertilizer can leach from the soil, and push too much succulent growth that is prone to fungal diseases. Therefore, under New York law, phosphorus-containing fertilizer may only be applied to lawn or non-agricultural turf when: A soil test indicates that additional phosphorus is needed for growth … of nitrogen fertilizer (slow or controlled-release) per 1000 square feet, per application. Lawn's carbohydrate (energy) reserves remain higher during spring and summer period. Warm-Season Grass: Warm-season grasses include Bermuda grass, St. Augustine, centipede, and zoysia, and buffalo grass. Use liquid fertilizers on your lawn. During July and August, no organic fertilizer should be applied to the soil and … Many people do not stick to a regular feeding schedule, and subsequently overfeed their lawn. Doing so keeps them green longerthrough the fall (and maybe even into the winter), and also allows them an early green-up when spring comes around. The first application of fertilizer should be made after the second or third mowing. By … As well as the PH and nutrient levels of the soil, the soil structure and quality itself is a huge factor in how the fertilizers are absorbed. We use 800 million gallons of gasoline, 100 million tons of fertilizer, 70 million pounds of pesticides each year to maintain those lawns. These three numbers represent the primary nutrients (nitrogen(N) - phosphorus… Here is a very informative video of the Lawn Care Nut showing how to evenly spread the fertilizer: How often to fertilize a lawn is also something of a matter of choice. Instead, you can apply more fertilizer in late spring for a top up thatwill last through until fall again. Apply fertilizer near water features, on hard surfaces or on frozen ground. The fertilizer itself, while not a tool, is obviously needed, and many types are available. In many cases lawns in some areas of Pennsylvania are in need of lime because pH is between 6.2 and 6.5. The phosphorus is released at a rate and amount plants can use, rather than rapidly, which can contribute to nutrient runoff. Applying starter fertilizers will provide less nitrogen and less potassium, which may be … A drop spreader releases the fertilizer in a strip as you walk. Phosphorus will be most available to the plant within a few day s to two weeks after fertilizer addition, slowly dropping as time goes on. The exception to this is so-called “starter” fertilizer, which contains higher phosphorus levels specifically to help new seeds to sprout. Generally, these laws prohibit phosphorus fertilizer application unless it is for … Chemical fertilizers can cause much more damage than organic fertilizers, as they contain higher doses of nutrients such as nitrogen. Applying fertilizer too late can leave the grass less able to combat cold weather, and feeding it too early can cause the rapid growth of cool-season weeds; a nightmare for a warm-season lawn. Proper Fertilization to Avoid Runoff. November: The second most important application of lawn fertilizer November … See All Pest, Disease and Weed Identification, See All Beer, Hard Cider, and Distilled Spirits, See All Community Planning and Engagement, A Green Solution to Stormwater Management, The Role of Trees and Forests in Healthy Watersheds, Prevent 'Moweritis' from Killing Your Young Trees and Shrubs. This group can further be divided into three groups based on the quantiti… As a general rule of thumb, you should always leave at least a month gap between applications. The presences of phosphorus in soil helps turf grow … A Homeowner's Guide to Fertilizer: Understanding the Fertilizer Label : All fertilizer labels have three bold numbers. In South Florida, turfgrass grows year-round… 37 Awesome Woodworking Projects For Beginners, 10 Best Weed Eaters of 2018 – Reviews and Buying Guide, 10 Best Lawn Edger (Electric-Gas-Manual) – Reviews & Buyer’s Guide, Best Self Propelled Lawn Mower 2018- Reviews & Buyer’s Guide. Make sure the grass blades are completely dry when you fertilize the lawn … When applying lawn fertilizer, use slow-release or controlled-release fertilizer that will breakdown over time and be available for the plants throughout the growing season, versus a quick release nitrogen that tends to leach or volatilize quickly. Fertilizer will not benefit your grass beyond a certain point, and can be damaging to the environment when over-applied. Excess nutrients have a two-stage cycle of destruction in water: They feed massive algae blooms that prevent sunlight from reaching underwater grass beds, killing them. It is crucial to introduce phosphorus when first establishing turf grass and remains important as the grass continues to grow. Applying fertilizer in late August or early September, however, will add nutrients that help the grass to overcome summer stresses. By using seasonal fertilizers, and understanding your grass type, it can be beneficial to fertilize at different times of the year. If fertilizer … Fertilizer may not be used to de-ice … Use a fertilizer with nitrogen only, and follow the soil test recommendations. For maximum appearance of your lawn, you can apply fertilizer every 6-8 weeks during the most active period of your grass' growth. When to fertilize your lawn depends on a few things, but the biggest rule is to fertilize only when your lawn is actively growing. The second group are minerals derived from soil or fertilizer application. When turfgrass clippings are regularly recycled during mowing, phosphorus is recycled on-site and the need for applying phosphorus fertilizer may decrease slightly over time. Use lawn fertilizer that contains phosphorus unless you are establishing a new lawn, or a soil test shows that your lawn does not have enough phosphorus. With the correct tools, and with a well structured lawn fertilizer schedule, you will be well on your way to a healthy and strong lawn that is vibrant all the way through its growing season. The type you choose will depend on the results of your soil test,as well as the season and type of grass you have. When spreading fertilizer, make sure your spreader is not broadcasting fertilizer granules onto walks and driveways where it will wash into storm drains. Turfgrass is slowly becoming one of the largest land covers or crops in the United States, covering 45 million acres. Sweep up fertilizer on paved areas and spread it on lawn areas. A library search generated 11 states that ban phosphorus fertilizer use or sale; all laws passed in the last 10 years. Another option is the broadcast spreader,which releases the fertilizer in a circular motion,covering more ground, but requiring more setup to ensure its accuracy. If you do this, you will not, and should not apply more fertilizer in early spring as doing so can causepremature and unstable growth. When it comes to when to fertilize your lawn, this is the most important factor at playthat determines when the best time is for a feed. This adds a nutritionally balanced feed back into the mix. Cool-Season Grass: Cool season grasses are very common turf grasses, and so most people's lawns are likely to comprise of one of them. Grass stays greener for longer in the fall. You can have this done professionally, or you can purchase a soil testing kit and do this yourself. Encourages earlier green-up in the spring. Before you venture out to the garden center to purchase bags of fertilizer and a spreader, consider the following. To comply with the law’s content standards, manufacturers eliminated phosphorus from most lawn fertilizers. Reduces incidences of disease in the summer. Entering your postal code will help us provide news or event updates for your area. When too much fertilizer is applied to lawns, the nutrients can run off into local storm drains. On April 15, 2011, Governor Christine Gregoire signed into law ESHB 1489 which, with some exceptions, prohibits the display and retail sale of turf fertilizers that contain phosphorus, and the use of such fertilizers … Apply any lawn fertilizer December 1 - April 1. As a guide, lawns usually benefit from added nutrients during the times of their active growth. View our privacy policy. Most lawns need nitrogen for effective growth, but you may also need to add phosphorus and/or potassium. The first group, carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O), are obtained from atmospheric carbon dioxide and water and comprise most of the turfgrass body. Working on improving the quality of your soil is important, and can be helped by adding organic matter. The choice is yours on which application type and formula to use on your lawn. The first number is the amount of nitrogen (N), the second number is the amount of phosphate (P 2 O 5) and the third number is the amount of potash (K 2 O). The main concern is the fertilizer run-off can enter the local water supply. So how can we maintain healthy lawns and healthy, clean streams? Then the algae dies and is consumed by hungry bacteria that sucks oxygen from the water. Most soils in Maine naturally have enough phosphorus to keep a lawn lush and green so if you use fertilizer, make sure it is phosphorus-free (noted by the “O” in the middle number … It is entirely possible to work dry fertilizer into your lawn by spreading it by hand, but it is not the most effective way, and can lead to uneven spread. Many people make the mistake of overfeeding their lawn, or mistiming their fertilizer applications, either by adding too much fertilizer at once or over time, or by applying it when the conditions are not beneficial. Examples include, Kentucky bluegrass, Perennial rye grass, bent grass, and fescue. Your soil test will tell you the pH (a measure of soil acidity or alkalinity) and how much lime is needed to raise or adjust the pH. Organic gardeners bemoan the use of any chemicals as lawn fertilizers. When too much fertilizer is applied to lawns… Liquid fertilizers – These aren’t recommended because they are hard to apply evenly and require frequent applications. The benefits of fertilizing in fall have been stated by many studies, and by the research of universities such as the University of Colorado. In the absence … Another application of slow-release fertilizer in late October to early November will promote earlier green-up in the spring, without the excessive shoot growth that can be damaging. To do this you can break up the yearly requirements of nitrogen into an even spread over the course of the applications.Little and often tends to work more effectively than slapping a year's worth of nutrients on your lawn in one sitting, so try to aim for an even spread. Applications of fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium are not recommended unless a soil test indicates the need. For a low maintenance approach to fertilizing your lawn, you can apply fertilizer as infrequently as once a year. Phosphorus may only be applied when a soil test indicates that it is needed or when a lawn is being established, patched or renovated. Other tools that you need during the process include the soil tester kit, which is useful when you are first establishing what lawn fertilizer you need. Why do we need this? Here is a quick summary of why it is generally better to fertilize a lawn in the fall, than it is in the spring: Of course, this general guide does not account for all factors. This is contrary to the popular belief that spring is the best time to fertilize. Turfgrasses require 16 chemical elements for growth and development. The County’s strict fertilizer ordinance … Apply more than four times a year. Look for phosphorus-free fertilizer at your local hardware, garden, … However,the method above will work for both cool-season and warm-season grass, without any risk of damaging through over-feeding or bad timing. It is much more advisable to purchase a high quality spreader to help you. Additional Lawn Fertilizer Tips. Fertilizers containing phosphorus can be applied under certain conditions, such as when a soil test indicates a need or when repairing or establishing a lawn. Other methods, in addition to soil testing for phosphorus and using correct amounts, to reduce the risk of pollution from this fertilizer element include: Lime to adequately maintain a soil pH of 6.2 – 7.0. Milorganite complies with phosphorus … It is best to lime lawns in the fall, but spring is fine too. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Specifically, you should make this application when top growth is minimal,but when the soil is still warm enough for nutrient uptake. The easiest way to develop a healthy lawn … As spring temperatures warm up, many of us begin to think about yard work and greening up that dormant winter lawn. These elements can be divided into two main groups based on where they are obtained by turf plants. Some gardeners prefer just one fertilizer application a year, while other people tend towards a more intensive feeding process, with several application per season. If the lawn appears vigorous and healthy at that time, delay the first application until May. Lawn fertilizer contains the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus, which are major sources of pollution in streams, rivers, and the Chesapeake Bay. If your soil test says there is plenty of phosphorus in the soil, then don't use a complete fertilizer such as 10-10-10 that contains all 3 major nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Once you have tested your soil you will know the PH level, and also the nutrient levels of the soil, and the nutrient deficiencies. The key is to fertilize at the right time, with the right amount, and distribute the fertilizer evenly across the lawn. Feeding a warm-season lawn in late spring to early summer gives it plenty of nutrients for the most active period. overuse of fertilizers can be damaging for the Earth. Water the lawn a few days before you fertilize to make sure it isn’t suffering from drought stress. Use an environmentally friendly fertilizer, such as Milorganite, that’s less likely to leach into waterways. The first step to fertilizing your lawn, if you have not done already, is to have your soil tested. This process creates vast "dead zones" that suffocate any creature unfortunate enough to enter. Use a drop spreader in big lawns… When applied in the fall, P will stay in the soil for as … There is no golden program that can tell you the exact date and time to fertilize your lawn. 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