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Koi Dechlorinator water filter purifier 36" ... it'll be rubbish if you whack the tap right up to refill the pond after a big water change. jQuery("#variant_alert").html(""); hasErrored = false; } } var options_val = "options_"; default_url, { ProdID:ProdID }, return false; jQuery("#" + variant_options + j).removeClass("ProductOptionsStyle_Alert"); var var_allow_order = jQuery("#RepeatForm"+Prodid+" #prod_allow_order").val(); jQuery("#frametype").val(''); } jQuery.fancybox({ } if(type == "colour_") var ImageUrl = 'GetSwatchesImage.php'; else{ if (document.all){ } //jQuery.noConflict(true); { function(data) { //if the letter is not digit then display error and don't type anything jQuery(".Quant_"+ProdID).each(function() { return(n); Replacement water filter for high capacity pond dechlorinator High performance, low pressure drop, Jumbo sized water filter cartridge.. document.getElementById("var_stock").value = temp[5]; if(jQuery('#brandedpanel').size()) else if(GlobalStockVar=="No") { jQuery('#DetailImage').attr('src',dataimg[0]); if(jQuery("#DetailPageQuantBox").val() != ''){ if((n !=0 ) && ((Message.indexOf(Instructions)>-1) == true) && (Message!='undefined')) if(additon_allow_order == 0) width: "67%" jQuery('.BrandError').html('Please enter the quantity'); jQuery("#variant_1").val(values); { 'content' : jQuery("#FancyBoxContainer").html(), { hasErrored_textfield = true; 'afterShow' : function() { else if(temp[1]=='novat') { temp2 = data.split('#'); Crystal Clear Vanish Dechlorinator (Liquid) is phosphate and nitrate free, … } { var cust_options_array = new Array; } This seems to solve the problem nicely. var addtionImageerror = 0; } var cartopensettings = 'cartpage'; } Water filtration systems can help reduce the presence of contaminants. hasErrored = true; if (document.getElementById('optionsValidate_' + i).value == 'ForceChoice'){ } Save more with Subscribe & Save. success: function(msg) { } else if(jQuery('#optionsValidate_' + i).val() == "NotEmpty") else if(var_allow_order==0 && parseInt(quant)>parseInt(var_stock) && GlobalStockVar=="No" && brandedpanel==''){ else if(temp[1]=='exvat') { } jQuery('#variant_alert').show(); hasErrored = false; var Instructions = jQuery("#instruction_"+Prodid+'_'+i).val(); } document.getElementById("rrp").innerHTML = '£'+temp[6]; }} if (document.getElementById('options_' + i).options.length>0){ jQuery("#selection_"+PositionNum).html(''); for(var c=0;c
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